
criminal psychology 犯罪心理學。

criminal suit

Juvenile delinquency has become an important social issue in 21 century and also serves as one of the most concerned theme in criminal psychology . therefore , this research took samples from the students in 5 work - study schools ( generally termed delinquent teenagers ) and chose the students in grade one to grade three from an ordinary junior high school to form a contrast group 青少年違法犯罪已成為21世紀的重大社會問題之一,也是犯罪心理學最關注的課題之一,為此本研究以上海市五所工讀學校的在校學生(統稱罪錯青少年)為樣本,以普通中學初一、初二、初三學生為對照組,以mmpi 、 mhs 、 embu三個心理量表為研究工具,配合臨床干預、個案追蹤的研究方式,對罪錯青少年進行心理健康水平、人格特征、父母教養方式及罪錯類型之間的相關研究。

This article based on the summary of the research records present conditions of criminal psychology and research fruit of offense decision of home and broad , if put forward a theory hypothesis of “ rational criminal decision “ 本研究在綜述國內外犯罪心理學的研究狀況、尤其是犯罪決策的主要研究成果基礎上,提出了“理性犯罪決策”的理論假設。該假設認為,對絕大多數罪犯來說,犯罪決策過程是一個深思熟慮的過程。

Criminal psychology tells us all illegal crimes are conducted under the domination of certain psychological factors , and the university students arc not exceptional 摘要犯罪心理學告訴我們,任何人的違法犯罪活動都是在一定的心理因素支配下完成的,大學生也不例外。

Cants are the special aberrance of ethical common language in the criminal community ; us usage tends to reflect the various criminal psychologies 摘要黑話是民族共同語在犯罪亞社會群內產生的特殊交異,它的使用往往折射出種種犯罪心理現象。

The usage of cants is related to factors like level of criminal psychology , identity psychology and tabu psychology 黑話的使用與犯罪心理梯度,認同心理、禁忌心理等因素有關。

It is no doubt that offense decision is an important question for study of criminal psychology 毫無疑問,犯罪決策是犯罪心理學里的一個重要課題。

Research on the criminal psychology of terrorist crime and its characteristics of criminal behavior 論建立中國特色的刑事被害人國家補償制度

The impact of concept of criminal law and crime on research of criminal psychology 兼論犯罪心理學與刑事科學體系的一致性

Briefly on formative causes and applications ofthe traces of criminal psychology 淺析犯罪心理痕跡的形成原因及運用

Brief introduction to foreign criminal psychology picture and its localization 國外犯罪心理畫像簡述及其本土化研究

On causes of formation and countermeasure of college students ' criminal psychology 大學生犯罪心理的成因及其對策

On female college students , criminal psychology and its counter - measure 女大學生犯罪的心理探因及防范對策

On the influence of network tech on the research of criminal psychology 論網絡技術對犯罪心理學研究的影響

I ' m taking a criminal psychology class to make lieutenant 為了升到警官,我讀了一門犯罪心理學課程

Decoding the picture of criminal psychology 解碼犯罪心理畫像

On university students ' criminal psychology 大學生犯罪心理透析

Criminal integration and the development of criminal psychology 刑事一體化與犯罪心理學的發展

Criminal psychology comes in handy in understanding criminals 犯罪心理學用來了解罪犯真有用

Prospect of the studies of criminal psychology 犯罪心理學理論研究前瞻